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Upcoming Events!


Meet Sarah! She is the Literacy Lady PDX, story times around town, and the facilitator of literacy & art experiences for littles and their caregivers. Find out more about these one-of-a-kind and coveted experiences on her website.

“Next week a new addition is coming to our home and studio!” says Hailey Boice, owner and ceramic handprints artist of Stay Little. “In partnership with my favorite literacy advocate, Sarah LaPrade, we are installing a sharing library!” The initial installment will be all children’s books and the rest will be decided by the patrons.

“Our goal in this collaboration is to continue a sense of community and share books!” Sarah tells us. “We know how books shape us in childhood and beyond, we wanted to offer another resource for finding books to read to your little ones.”

Sarah and Hailey originally connected business to business, but have built their friendship sipping coffee and having long chats about motherhood and their recent reads! “This feels like a natural extension of things we love and an opportunity to promote our businesses along side our little library!” Plans are in place to have this library registered with the Little Free Library organization. 


I love working with mom groups, play groups, boutiques, doulas, schools and more! Thank you!!


Please reach out to me with questions or to book your event! 

Click any logo to learn more about some of the businesses who have hosted Stay Little In the past. We are so grateful for their support!


Bend, OR

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